Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the view from across the street

water tower
Originally uploaded by gkp.
I grew up looking at the water tower and wondering if I would ever have the courage to try and climb it, like drunk teenagers for years had been attempting.

Now I know- there's not enough beer in the world.

on the ferry 2

on the ferry 2
Originally uploaded by gkp.
There's the Cashie again!

I forgot to take a picture of the Ferry Captain. Durn. I will definitely remember next time. We are absolutely going back. It was great fun, and quite a way to brighten up a dreary Sunday afternoon.

on the ferry

on the ferry
Originally uploaded by gkp.
On the ferry. Not very interesting, but I wasn't sure if we were allowed to get out. The ferry was only slightly wider than our Corolla, and only slightly longer. I would love to see how they get two cars on that ferry.

Sans Souci ferry sign at the river

Sans Souci ferry sign at the river
Originally uploaded by gkp.
After that first sign, we traveled on down the road , eventually coming to what looked like a private dirt lane. We were about to tunr around when we saw a green DOT sign that said "Welcome to Sans Souci!" Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of that sign. We continued on the dirt road, noting that we were indeed right next to the river- so close, in fact, that it was lapping gently at the side of the dirt road, which was already in possession of many deep puddles. And it had been raining all day. And was still raining. And the road was far too narrow too attempt a 2 point turn (especially with the river just a foot away.) We were getting a little nervous when suddenly, there was a clearing in the road and here we were, at the ferry sign. No sign of the ferry, though, so we honked, just like the sign said.

Sans Souci ferry

Sans Souci ferry
Originally uploaded by gkp.
We went out exploring this weekend (2/25/07- I am not great about updating...) We had read about the Sans Souci Ferry online. It's a two car ferry across the Cashie River. Yep, that's right- a ferry across the river. It not on the map. We drove what seemed like forever, but was really about 10 miles outside of Windsor. The only sign of any kind to lead you there is a couple of signs that say "NC Scenic Byway." We figured the signs weren't referring to the multitude of abandoned trailers, so we followed them and ended up at this here sign.